READING - Choose How Many Questions:

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  • Regular price $62.00


2 Questions Guidance $62  -  7  Questions Guidance $97

Our lovely partner Irma is a very gifted reader. She gives very accurate readings and guidance to help you in love & life coaching. Irma has over 25 years experience. She always asks first to connect with the Highest Source and often hears messages or guidance that is of importance to you and will share this as well.The messages are always good and never scary. 

After you book you will receive a confirmation email and shortly after a personal email asking your questions for your reading.To save waiting time you can email right away, your correct name & direct, numbered questions to

Readings are done within 48 hours from the time of receiving your questions. Most of the time you receive them within a few hours. You will receive an email with the outcome of your reading.