This is a Beautiful & Very POWERFUL Course!
There are steps that virtually all physical manifestations can be seen to follow. Deliberately engaging their mechanics begins with knowing what they are. Becoming proficient enough to get consistent results requires practice.
Critical to the process is knowing that you’re never alone. You have an anxious Universe and supportive principles at your back and call—not accidentally, but by design—nonjudgmental yet leaning in your favor because this is in alignment with the intention of the entire nonneutral Universe.
You are it; you are adored; you are God becoming more, here to joyfully succeed.

You will receive very powerful fully transmitted attunements to Master level, manuals,certificates,support.
You will receive a confirmation email. You will receive the courses within 72 hours. Atunements will be prepared for you in Chi Balls within 72 hours and you can choose time and day yourself when to receive your Attunements with the prepared Chi Balls. The Chi Balls stay valid till YOU are ready to receive your Attunement. See in Course List for info on how Chi Balls work.
Greet is known for her very powerful FULLY transmitted Attunements to Master level! ( Distant Attunement Experiences on Navigation bar )
Greet is known for her very powerful FULLY transmitted Attunements to Master level! ( Distant Attunement Experiences on Navigation bar )
When your Attunnement is done right, you only need to get attuned once in your life for each Level!
WARNING! If you do not receive fully transmitted Attunements, courses will NOT work, even if you do have the manuals. Many sites sell courses with manuals but attunements are weak and neglected. When this happens you end up NOT developing your full potential, receiving nothing more than manuals and certificates.