“I suffered traumatic brain injury in October. I've been going to concussion clinic 3x week. Since I got Reiki I only go 1x now. They tell me my whole self has changed. I used to get migraines every day from concussion. Would be screaming. No more..Gone..my Drs are like WOW. Also 4 yrs ago I broke my lower back and have 2 rods,6 screws and cadaver bone. It's rare to feel anything at all there. Now I get odd pains like it is trying to repair. I was struggling with smoking. I find it disgusting. I feel sick to my stomach daily if I'm around cigarettes, or any kind of toxins. I was drinking 5 cups of coffee a day...now 1 makes me sick. I had minimal eyesight in my right eye. My eye actually drifted to the right. I haven't seen an eye doc.I waited to see what Reiki could do. My eye keeps improving. That is amazing...with the LORD and positive light you send me. GREET, I am made almost whole again. I don't sleep during the days. I used to sleep all the time. I have way more energy. I'm calm. Unusually calm. My whole life I've been nervous. Now I worry very little, seem to cry often and I dream..I've suffered traumatic abuse in my past..I never thought I'd feel peace ever!” Ty~ Shannon R. ( USA )

For those that may not believe that distant healing works, I am here to tell you that it does! I was at my wits end with my husband, so I hired Greet without telling him about it. He still doesn't know. Greet's healing has cleared my husband from his anxiety and depression, and has removed most of his pains/aches he suffered due to many injuries in the past. She was even able to clear him of his eczema/psoriasis that he suffered with over the last 10+ years!!! Greet has helped me with clearing as well. My pains/aches were mild, but mentally I was exhausted. She has been able to lift the weight/negativity away from me and I feel I can take on the world. Greet has turned our lives around in the last 6 months. I will be forever grateful to her! ~ Jackie ( USA )

“I was a skeptic. Not anymore! Toothaches, colds, joint pain, depression all relieved or shortened in duration. I even had a breast lump disappear with Reiki. Greet is the real deal! ~ Kristin Wesley ( Houston - TEXAS)”

First let me say thank God for Greet!!!
My husband was facing a lot of health challenges -diagnosed with cancer double pneumonia unable to eat unable or keep foods down and loosing weight. The doctors wanted to put him on hospice, to give him blood transfusions. Oh no I was not having that !The Lord and I had a talk and that was not what He told me. I reached out to Greet for healing work and she was right there for us - I was on the brink of a breakdown but Greet gave me hope and a breakthrough! She had been doing healing for my husband since then and he has been improving tremendously - doctors are no longer talking about hospice, no need for blood transfusion, his blood levels have improved, his Sodium and potassium levels increased, pneumonia is gone, he's eating again and keeping it down, and putting weight back on, he's voice is stronger and smiling again. Prior to Greet's reiki healing work I was a little concerned that he was checking out but now I know within a shadow of doubt I know that he will live and will completely recover - We will continue to work with Greet and receive Reiki. Each day we see miraculous healing and transformation taking place in my husband. It's been less than a month and everything is turning around for the better. We thank God for Greet's healing ability - she is truly an healing angel sent from God we love you Greet and God bless you and the work you do! - Mrs Brown (USA)

I have permanent neuro damage among other ailments & more recently a heart attack & horrible emphysema. I smoked & drank coffee for 40 years. Since treatment they went from tasting bad to making me sick. I sleep more fitfully between pain bouts. I am calmer than I have been in many years. I have had healing from several & groups of people on different occasions through the years, but none have been as strong or worked as well as this precious soul. I very highly recommend to all in need. ~ W.Ray (USA)

What you are doing for me has EXCEEDED. any medications(I'm not FULLY HEALED. BUT DANG IT!! NOT SMOKING 6 MONTHS IS A MIRACLE!!) Adam M. (USA)

Good morning Greet. I'm doing well, OMG, thank you! I fell asleep about 10 min into healing, so peaceful. Since 1999 I had constant muscle spasm when I do bending and lifting, and always pulling with my left side. I do it now and it's fine,lol. My back too.Now I can lift my grandson like he is an eagle feather. The muscle spasm are completely gone. I am healthy and whole! Amen. I am so happy you came into my life. Thank you so much! ~ Hilda Louie ( CANADA )

This is how it all started for me. I can't stress enough how Greet and Reiki Healing has changed my life. It has healed me of very old trauma from past physical abuse, a lifetime of control from family, ex spouse, being molested at age 12 by my cousin, nearly killed twice by my ex, heartbreaks from family turning their back on me after my divorce 3 years ago. talk about hurting inside, black holes and yucky messes in me, I had it. Greet can help you in so many ways. Are you depressed over the loss of a loved one, a divorce? Does life seem to not make sense, are you stuck in a cycle of not knowing how to help yourself or what direction to take with your life? Are you ill or have a disease? Reiki Healing is the answer with God's amazing love and healing energy, just like so many healers of old and new. Don't wait one more minute on taking care of YOU! you are worth everything and deserve this. I am now at 2nd Level with Reiki and plan to go Master/Teacher as soon as Greet advises me to. I feel God's presence more and the angels. I feel them near me with that goose bump feeling on my head and all over. I love Reiki and love this woman. She is Godsend and my miracle on this earth. God bless all of you. Be safe and let Greet help you today. You won't regret it one bit. Just follow her instructions, advise and allow yourself to be amazed. Namaste. ~ Marion (TEXAS)

If that was you at 8.15 this evening I thought you were God at first. My lungs felt suddenly lighter, not on fire & did not hurt, but it was almost Euphoric. Then my hurting leg, then the top of my head, both arms at the same time & it felt irritating. Then back to my lungs again & the euphoric feeling. I have only felt similar the night you gave me that "shock". this time was much more. I was laying here thinking I would say, what the heck, but all I can focus on is this feels miraculous. This was stronger than anything I have ever felt, or any work. No offense meant, this was wild, you have gotten stronger,or??The back of my head still feels lighter than it has in years,ie knots, sinus stuff, thoracic stuff. Feels like a massage person worked on my body for hours, but like years ago when I was in better health. Once again, you have floored me. ~ John L. ( USA)

We are into 4th week of Reiki sessions and it's been intense in a beautiful way. I have given up smoking after 45 years. The insane part is, I feel like I have never been a smoker. I have not craved or felt the need to smoke. I wake up feeling so much love, peace and lightness with in myself, in a total flow state. I didn't realize how much smoking controlled my life. How much I depended on it. Freedom from smoking is amazing. Thanks Greet. Namaste my friend.XXX ~ Robyn Noyes ( AUSTRALIA )

I am Rekha from India. Age 37. I tried to conceive for last 10 yrs. But in vain. I went in treatment by Greet. After 3 months I got pregnant and last month I was blessed with a healthy baby boy. Thank you so much for all your blessings and Reiki. I am humbled and indebt for all your support to me. ~ Rekha ( INDIA )

" Thanks Greet for the Great job! My sister was suffering from SCHIZOPHRENIA for 7 years! It was extremely difficult for her and me to watch her. Pills only made her worse. In short, after her 2nd visit to mental hospital, I had to do something about it, so I contacted Greet and booked for daily distant Reiki. After only one month the result was very impressive. She got released from hospital and she's home now and all is well. I'm so thankful for you Greet. You beautiful soul!" ~ Saleh (OMAN)

I have been in treatment by Greet for 3 years and won't quit. I was very skeptical and didn't believe in Reiki. My wife got me in . I was having high blood pressure and Asthma. For the last 20 years I had to use an inhaler every week. Now I haven't been using this for the last two years. Not needed anymore. I feel good. My pressure is down and stays down. I also had severe eczema since I am a kid. It's not gone but has decreased a lot. Changes didn't happen fast but very gradually. I also got a new job that I like now. Forever grateful. Rob N. (L.A. U.S.A)

I saw the chiropractor for my right the day after we started my healing and when I went back 3 days later she was amazed at how far I'd come. This week was also a good visit with her saying I might only need 1 or 2 more treatments. I told her I was receiving distant Reiki healing and I felt that was helping me improve so quickly. She was pleased that it was doing so much for me. My right shoulder is also a source of much pain and is currently limited in it's mobility, but since the Reiki started I have noticed great improvement there as well. The condition I have takes a couple of years to go away, yet since we started I have noticed an increased range of motion. There is still a lot of pain in the area, but it's not as bad as it was and there's barely any pain when I move my arm around, wich is a mayor step forward! Dreams, lost memories of good and bad things, tears..all have been happening. ~ Sheelagh ( CANADA )

I was stuck in life, love and business. When Greet started the daily healings I began to have vivid dreams and roller coaster emotions. Suddenly things began to change. VERY drastic changes - and I lost my job! That was the main area I was stuck - That job made me so miserable, yet I couldn't move away from it. Now being 1/4 into healing I felt empowered to break free and better offers are coming in and giving me reason for excitement instead of fear! I am no longer worrying where I stand with my love interest. I am truly embracing the "Power Lady" status Greet labels me with. It's ;ile I don't even realize Reiki worked until I look back and compare. I have complete faith that a better a better a better life is emerging and see this happening already - change is good! This was the best investment I could have ever made in myself! ~ Lori( FLORIDA )

I just had a dr's visit and I've almost gotten my blood sugar back in order and this Diabetes is almost gone. The dr. said I had done 95% better than any of his other patients, I've lost 35 lbs and have 35 more to go, some of my clothes are starting to fit again, so that makes me happy and I believe that God has healed my lower back, all of a sudden a few days ago I realized that I was able to stand up straight and not pain, after over a year of severe pain everyday it has just stopped and the only answer in my heart is that our prayers to God have been answered. God Bless and I hope this finds you well and happy! :)~ Cindy S. ( TEXAS )

OH MY GOSH!! YES!! THE VIVID DREAMS!!! ARE INTENSE!!! ITS SCARY!!! But its o.k. if its part of the clearing. They don't bother me. It just makes me realize how REAL the Spiritual Realm is. That there is more to life than my physical eyes can see. My four year old went to school. The dark circles under his eyes are starting to fade and color is starting to come back in his face and cheeks !!! Thank you!! my oldest has always had bad skin eczema...but I want to tell you its. CLEARED UP!!' THANK YOU! THANK YOU!' I was kind of scared to expose my two kids to Reiki. BUT YOU HAVE MADE ME TRULY BELIEVE IN YOU!!' I look at my kids and I keep telling myself Reiki is REAL and I just got to trust you.My two kids so calm, peaceful and content is A JOY IN MY HEART. They seem more fearless. A lot of changes in them already.God bless you.You are SUPER REAL with your Reiki. Wendy ( U.S.A.)

The amount of change that has occurred with Greet's Reiki is mind boggling! Before the sessions I would be considered lost and desperate. I set off to find true love and the work – better stated – MIRACLES!!! – Greet delivered just that. I found MYSELF! I used to receive only conditional love. Greet’s work completely turned that around! I am surrounded by UNCONDITIONAL love. I have met my true love and soul mate and we are getting married!!! Had I met him before this work, we wouldn’t be HERE today! I am eternally grateful to Greet for transforming me and my life. I don’t know where I’d be without her! Love & Light. Therese xoxoxo ( Florida)

When sessions started I experienced very vivid dreams pertaining to my life .Now I am more in tune with everything around me.I have recently gone back to work after being so sure I should, and now I have a can do anything attitude.I have never been happier with my life and my family, and I owe it all to Greet. I can't thank you enough. ~Elaine Monzo ( FLORIDA )

Is this the healing? I sweated all night long. I literally woke up with my t-shirt soaking wet. (As if I got caught in the rain or showered in my shirt!). When I stood up to get out of bed: the horrible back pain I have been suffering with for weeks and weeks was pretty much gone!!!!!! It has gone from debilitating pain to just an achey feeling instead. Is it you? Is it the clearing? Has anyone experienced extreme sweating? ~ Robin ( USA )


Dear Greet, I wanted to touch base with you to tell you that I believe that God has healed my lower back. All of a sudden a few days ago I realized that I was able to stand up straight and not in pain. After over a year of severe pain everyday it has just stopped and the only answer in my heart is that our prayers to God have been answered. God Bless and I hope this finds you well and happy! :) Cindy M. (USA)

Helen Fay Hansen (USA): Thank you so much again. I can feel the healing all over. I had a bad fall at work on a jetty at least a couple of months back. Injured my foot inside left heel and badly bruised lower leg, still bruising. Overnight the puffiness and swelling on my foot of a couple of months, totally disappeared. Thank you so much <3

Stephanie Matoud (USA). I have been BLESSED with Spiritual Healing tonight....I REALLY NEEDED IT....Now only thing is, Im releasing and feeling a little light headed and stuff got brought up in my mind and Im teary eyed...I KNOW IN MY SOUL....EVERYTHING IS OK....AND WILL BE OK...And for that, I AM THANKFUL....I want to thank all my Spirit Guides and other Ascended Masters that helped me tonight...and of course the Reiki Master who blessed me with the energy...NAMASTE....

For those that are pondering Reiki Deep Healing, let me just say it works. I am proof, and what I have studied and feel in my very soul, it is a gift from God that so much of the world has no clue about. This is the end of my 1st week of deep healing and I will continue on with this for 3 more weeks before attunement. I come from a background of horrific physical, mental and emotional abuse as well as being abandoned by family since my divorce 3 years ago. I have prayed for so many years for help with memories, insecurities and guidance for my further and well being. I thought God had abandoned me until I found Greet. She is my answered prayer. Sometimes we have to come to that end of hit rock bottom emotionally to find out what we're made of and I know I am very strong. I have survived this life and that is saying alot given what I endured. Reiki has been an awakening for me and I can't wait to continue on with you my sweet, precious teacher, guide, friend and Reiki Master, Greet! You are one in a million my love and an angel in my eyes. I love you my friend. Thank you. xoxoxo <3 Marion Logan (USA)

I have been treated by Greet several times over the past few years and I am eternally grateful for all that she has done for me. I am even a Reiki Master myself now, under Greet's guidance and sessions. My entire life from before is a blurry memory - where I contacted her in a desperate, specific manner, looking for a very specific outcome. Greet instead worked on ME & my attitude and view and all those things completely changed and therefore changed my entire life as I knew it! Work, personal, love... every single aspect has been redefined by partaking in these unbelievable healing Reiki sessions with Greet! Reiki is definitely the type of healing that you may not see the change daily but when you look back you are literally like WOW - everything is different! AND BETTER! Thank you, Greet for all that you have done for me... Lori from Florida xoxoxoxoxo (USA)

I have been treated by Greet for many ailments over the years and the most recent being a bone infection. I felt the positive effects of reiki and believe this contributed to the quicker healing of this ailment than medication alone. It is a very good method of healing to accompany current treatments or use on its own. Sally N. (Canada)

Laura R. (USA)- I cannot even begin to thank you enough right now. On top of all of that, my baby Benjamin that you sent healing to went to sleep tonight at 10:30-ish. Since he got sick a few months ago, we have not been able to get him into bed before 12.00 AM!!! I don't believe in coincidence, Greet. Bless you and much love, light, and blessings from the bottom of my heart to you!!!

Lynn S. (USA) You are precious to me.I felt better and got more done around my house today than I have in the past two weeks. I am receiving much needed healing with an open heart and much prayer.I believe God uses many vessels for healing. Thank-you for the time and energy you put into this. Prayers and blessings for you my friend. Much love...
Jo-Anne B. (USA) Finally some relief...I can walk upright, and thats a good thing!
Billy E. (USA) After 1st session, long dream that I was walking just fine. I was surprised I wasn't in extreme pain because normally I can only sleep 2 to 4 hours and then extreme pain.
I slept like 7 hrs. WOW 👏
This is a big improvement 👏