PET DISTANT REIKI - 10 or More Sessions

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  • Regular price $69.99


Your Pet Deserves The Best!

10 Sessions for $69.99  - 30 Sessions for $99.99  -  90 Sessions for $214.99 - Each Distant Session is 1 hour.

After you book, you will be contacted by Greet within 14 hours and the first session will start the next day.


Enabling and Enhancing the Natural Healing & Immune System of your Dog, Cat, Horse,...

When our pets suffer from too much stress (such as moving to a new home, abandonment, injury, death in the family, chronic illness, etc) their bodies often react with physical symptoms. Here are some common physical symptoms which animal Reiki can help overcome:

  • Digestive issues.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Chronic skin conditions.
  • Pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Immune system dysfunction.
  • Behavioral issues.
  • And more!

Reiki can help calm the mind and body, easing many of these conditions and enabling the animal’s own energy and immune system to better heal itself.

Benefits of Animal Reiki

  • Balance emotions/anxiety
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Help with many behavioral issues
  • Heal deep seated trauma (abuse/neglect)
  • Release emotional blockages
  • Strengthen immune systems
  • Increase cellular health
  • Boost energy and vitality
  • Mental clarity/focus
  • Help with transition at the end of the journey

When pets receive a Reiki treatment, pain, anxiety and stress are often quickly alleviated. Greater self-awareness and confidence can be seen. The most frequent experience during a Reiki treatment is the feeling of peace, relaxation and security. When the body is in this state it can more easily and fully repair, regenerate and recover from any illness. Even if your pet is too ill or weak to be touched, a Reiki treatment is still possible